A Chance Encounter with an Illegal Hunter.

Night hunting is something that I frown upon, those who go out at night driving around old roads with a rifle or other means of a firearm and shoot whatever they can see. This usual act is something to be arrested over and I agree with it. If you go out at night and blind potential target for sport then you don’t deserve to live in my books. But, this report came from someone who may or may not have taken part in the activity. I just wanted to get my point across on that matter. So please, don’t do it.

On a Summer night outside of Rosalind, Alberta. Down an old almost forgotten by the community. You can find many of these roads out in the country that leads through farmers fields. Though, I won’t suggest you just trespass through fields and potentially destroy someone’s crop. Though, this witness didn’t take that into consideration when he decided it was a good idea to travel down these roads and fields in search of some decent game. But what he got was nothing more than a scary wake-up call.

On that night he drove about and soon caught witness to a Buck that he had his sights on. He waited for a few minutes as he quietly reached for his rifle and as he quickly flung on his high beams and standing before him, just a few feet away from the driver’s side window was the Deerman. In a fit of panic, the cowardly hunter threw the truck into drive and sped off. He reported that for a short period of time the Deerman was catching up to his truck, that was until he turned off onto highway 609, and sped away. He admits that he didn’t slow down until he reached the turnoff until he reaches his home.

The next day he said he returned to the same spot, located on the map but he couldn’t find the Deerman, He thought no one would believe him, that is until he reached out to me, and I believe him. The Deerman is not something you should try and take on yourself when out in the middle of nowhere anything can happen. But also the mind begins to play tricks as well. Who’s to say what honestly happened that night? Was it real or was it indeed a trick of the mind? I’ll leave that up for you to decide.

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