The Farmer and the Deerman.

Stock Photo used. As the Farmer didn’t want his name or location released.

This report takes place smack dab right of Highway 53, west of Donalda, and it deals with a Farmer and his livestock. If you are the faint of heart, I suggest you understand that in the world of the living life is born and taken away. With that being said a Farmer was awoken one night to the sound of his pigs screams in fear, this woke him up and caused him to run out side in his underwear. Brandishing a rifle, he scanned the area and found that all his pigs were accounted for.

Not knowing just what spooked the pigs he fired two rounds into the air in the hopes of scaring what he only assumed was a coyote or perhaps another vastly larger predator. But on that night he was called yet again to check on his cows who were crying out into the night. The Farmer didn’t know what to make of it and quickly got his Son and ran towards the barn. The Cows were clearly spooked and were stopping they’re hooves and shrieking, like someone was there or something. He already crossed off a Coyote as it would’ve ran away by now and everything looked clear.

He was about to leave the barn that was until he heard the floor creak above him in the hay loft. That’s when he realized that whatever it was, was hiding up above. Now, he said he intially thought it to be kids, perhaps wanting to tip a cow, or try to rob him. Before he could say a single word a noise that filled him with fear echoed through the barn driving his animals into a frenzy. Before he could do anything the mysterious figure jumped down and bolted through the night. This wasn’t the end as he fired another shot and this time almost hitting the Deerman.

It was too late and the creature vanished into the night, the animals were all unharmed, and were on edge for the rest of the night. After a few days the dust settled down and life returned to normal for the most part. But now he sleeps with one eye open and his rifle loaded next to his bed.