My Experience with the Deerman of Central Alberta.

Now you are probably wondering by the title just what this article is going to be about? I’ve reported for a while on this subject, I figured why not jump in and tell you my personal experience with the Deerman of Central Alberta. I’ve traveled all about the Central Alberta area. I love the small rural communities scattered about the land and meeting such amazing people. Everything, that I’ve documented is something that I love and dedicate my life to documenting. Now, you are probably wondering just why I’m doing this? Well, I love anything cryptid, the very thought of a creature that isn’t Bigfoot lurking around these small communities, that its something that’ll keep you up at night and on your toes if your camping.

Wandering around the small village and Hamlet streets, taking it all in and enjoying the time I have spent on this mission of mine. Do I think the Deerman is real? My answer to that is yes. I do believe that there are creatures out there, animals that haven’t been discovered yet. Creatures that have been brushed off as not existing and thus have been cataloged as being real. Who’s to say that Bigfoot, the Lochness Monster, or Deerman aren’t real? People who dismiss these strange beings are closed minded and are forever living in a life of ignorance. I for one open my arms wide to hug this mysterious creature.

I’ve set up this Blog, a Twitter account, and Youtube Channel in the hopes of spreading awareness of the Deerman of Central Alberta. Perhaps there’s more? Maybe, there is a tribe of them traveling the country. There have been sightings that have been coming in from Manitoba. I have an open mind but this strange entity has occupied most of my free time.

I’m on a mission to bring the truth out about the Deerman, I haven’t heard of anyone being harmed by it and though there have been a few close calls nothing about anyone being mauled to death or killed. Though, it should be said that the Deerman is a wild animal, it’s a creature that shouldn’t be corned or toyed with. This is an undocumented animal that should be given the respect and distance to ensure the safety of the Deerman and of those who wish to investigate such a being. I already am planning an extensive trip to the Villages and Hamlets that have experienced an increase in Deerman sightings.

I honestly hope you all enjoy my articles and please share them with anyone who enjoys the subject of the unknown and mystery to please share this blog and help spread the word. So that the Deerman of Central Alberta can one day be protected from those who wish to do it harm.